
09 September 2024

Samling and Song Update

Mezzo-soprano Shakira Tsindos and pianist Lana Bode will be taking up the second of our Samling and Song residencies at Marchmont Estate in September.

Meanwhile, the first duo to benefit from this scheme, Kieran Rayner and Gamal Khamis, will give the premiere of their project ‘What if’ at the Royal Over-Seas League on Monday 11 November, followed by a second performance at living history museum Hellens Manor in Hertfordshire on 26 March. Find out more on their project website:

Gamal said ‘With its long-term mentoring and advice, Samling and Song has been transformative, not only to “What if?” but also to how we work as creatives. Our time at Marchmont with James Garnon helped us discover how historical context and framing could add definition to our project and we were able to develop the relationship between the singer and pianist in a way that was totally new for us.’

We’ll be opening the next round of applications for Samling and Song later in the year, so if you’re a Samling Artist from the last ten years with imaginative ideas for presenting art-song, keep an eye on our website for more details.

Pictured above; Kieran and Gamal working with actor James Garnon during their project residency at Marchmont Estate.